Hindi Varna Bodh Class Notes – Sunday, November 16
Namaste class,
In our last Hindi class, we did not have any homework, so we went into lesson 11 (My Home). I went through the lesson again and gave the translation. We then went through exercise 1 and exercise 3. For homework, you had to write ten sentences on your home, using the lesson as a guide.
Here are some additional words you can learn and use:
दरवाज़ा (m) door pl. दरवाजे
दीवार (f) wall pl. दीवारें
खिड़की (f) window pl. खिड़कियां
छत (f) roof
अलमारी (f) cupboard pl. अलमारियाँ
फर्श (m) floor
पंखा (m) fan pl. पंखे