Hindi Varna Bodh Class Notes – Sunday, May 17
Namaste class,
In the Hindi class dated Sunday, May 17, we did not correct any homework as none was given the previous week. However, I did put some sentences on the whiteboard:
1. सदा काम कर।
Always do work.
2. उस ओर चल।
Walk (on) that side.
3. बहिन घर आ गई।
Sister has come home.
4. मदिरा कभी मत पी।
Never drink wine.
5. कल बहुत बरसात हुई।
Yesterday, plenty rain fell.
We went lesson 8 on page 39. I read and translated, and then called random students to read.
Next, I put an exercise on the board, for students to form a Hindi word for each letter given: क, च, प, न and ज. This is one of the questions that appear in the Hindi examination. To form words, I suggest keeping the word simple so that you can spell it. For example, for क, you can cycle through the alphabet and try to add consonants to it, such as क ख ग घ च छ ज झ etc. and see if any words come to mind. Or go through the barahakharee क का कि की कु कू etc. to see if any words come to mind. Make sure you can spell the word! Please complete the exercise for homework.
As I mentioned, I would not be coming to class tomorrow (May 24, 2015) as I have another commitment that morning. In addition, there would be no class on May 31 as many persons would be helping prepare for the Mela that day at BVS Headquarters in Aranguez.
See you on June 7.
” Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later.” – Og Mandino