Hindi Varna Bodh Class Notes – Sunday, April 26
Namaste class,
In the Hindi class dated Sunday, April 26, we first corrected the homework given the previous week:
1. Eat the sweet cantaloupe
मीठा खरबूजा खा।
2. Make a rose garland
गुलाबों की माला बना।
3. Drink cane juice
गन्ने का रस पी।
4. Wear the green salwar
हरा सलवार पहन।
5. Give me the book
मुझे किताब दे ।
After this, we read lesson 6 on page 37 of the Hindi Vivek Part One book. After I read and translated the lesson, I chose random students to read. I went through ‘imperatives’ (that is, statements used to give instructions, commands or orders to others). I mentioned that the Hindi Prabhaat Book One also has a lesson on imperatives, which you can refer to.
For homework, I gave a few sentences to translate from Hindi to English:
1. मीठा रास पी।
2. पीला आम खा।
3. हर दिन भजन गा।
4. लाल छाता ला।
5. दस केले खरीद।
Words that you do not know can be translated using a Hindi-English dictionary, or using online sites such as Google Translate or Shabdkosh.
“If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way. If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse.” ― Jim Rohn