Hindi Varna Bodh Class Notes – Sunday, April 12
Namaste class,
There was no Hindi class on Sunday, April 5, since it was the Easter weekend and attendance is usually poor, as students often use this time to travel or vacation with their families.
For the Hindi class dated Sunday, April 12, we corrected the work given in the previous class, which was to translate some sentences from English into Hindi:
1. Eat mango, banana and apple
आम केला और सेब खा .
2. Don’t eat fish
मछली मत खा
3. Drink tomato juice
टमाटर का रस पी
4. Bring the umbrella
छाता ला or
छतरी ला
5. Wear the blue kurta
नीला कुर्ता पहन
We also went through lesson 5 on page 36. I read and translated the sentences, and then had random students read the work.
In addition to writing out the Hindi and translation for lesson 5 in your copy books for homework, I gave you some more sentences to translate into Hindi:
1. Eat watermelon
2. Don’t drink wine
3. Wear the brown shoes
4. Bring the plate and glass
5. Cook the vegetables
“Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.” – Bruce Lee