Hindi Varna Bodh Class Notes – Sunday, August 31
Namaste class,
In our Hindi class dated Sunday, August 31, we first corrected the homework that was given the previous week on the board:
1. Rajeev reads the blue book.
राजीव नीली किताब पढ़ता है.
2. Every day, Sudesh plays the sitar.
हर दिन, सुदेश सितार बजाता है.
3. Sharda sings Raag Bahaar.
शारदा राग बहार गाती है.
4. The horse runs in the field.
घोड़ा खेत में दौड़ता है.
I read and translated the lesson on page 35. For homework, you had to change the first five sentences by using a different subject instead of तू:
1. गीत गा (तुम)
2. वीणा बजा (आप)
3. शीशा साफ़ कर (तुम)
4. इलायची खा (आप)
5. नारियल का पानी पी (तुम)
Also, continue writing out the Hindi vocabulary lessons in your text book with translation.