The Hindi word for ‘fruit’ is फल (phal). Here is a list of common fruits, or those with easy-to-spell names. You should know at least four fruits for your examination.
Hindi Word | Transliteration (Pronunciation) | English translation |
आम | aam | (m) mango |
सेब | seb | (m) apple |
केला | kelaa | (m) banana |
नारियल | naariyal | (m) coconut |
अंगूर | angoor | (m) grapes |
अमरूद | amrood | (m) gauva |
नीबू | neeboo | (m) lemon |
पपीता | papeetaa | (m) papaya |
संतरा | santaraa | (m) orange |
शरीफा | shareefaa | (m) custard apple |
इमली | imlee | (f) tamarind |
अनन्नास | anan-naas | (m) pineapple |
नाशपाति | naashpaati | (f) pear |
खरबूज़ा | kharboozaa | (m) cantaloupe |
तरबूज | tarbooz | (m) watermelon |
जामुन | jaamun | (m) jaamun |
A list of flashcards with the names of fruits in Hindi can be found at
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